Ex-Merrill Trader Says Co-Workers in Spoof Trial Taught Him How https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ex-mer...
TF Metals Tweets on CME/COMEX "Accounting Error" overstating silver in vaults by 1.23 billion ounces!
1) 1.23BILLION ounces (38,000 mts) of silver to Loomis' Comex silver vault yesterday, the ounces simply disappear today. No notation. No corrections. No adjustments. Just pretend that no one noticed. https://twitter.com/TFMetals/status/1...
2) Though the Loomis eligible addition was just magically wiped away, be sure to notice that the 1,525,867 ounce negative "adjustment" to Loomis' registered account was not. It remained. https://twitter.com/TFMetals/status/1...
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See Full Video Transcript Below
Another day and another accounting error this time instead of the LBMA which had an accounting error and had 3,300 tons of silver that they claimed were in the vaults but really weren't back when the silver squeeze started in march this time it is the CME and COMEX overstating silver by 38,000 metric tons or about 1.23 billion ounces according to Craig Hemke over TF metals they magically the next day just change it no one's going to get fined no one's going to go to prison at least in the past over the years when the bullion banks lied on the commitment of traders report with gold and silver trading positions the CFTC would at least find them give them a slap on the wrist but when an actual exchange does it when the LBMA does it or the COMEX or CME does it there's no culpability whatsoever so you have that story that just came out recently and we have more evidence that came out last week at the gold and silver spoofing trial and this trader said that he learned how to manipulate gold and silver learned how to spoof them from his bosses so senior bankers senior traders we're teaching him how to manipulate gold and silver futures markets gold and silver derivatives with spoofing fake orders and again spoofing is just the tip of the iceberg for manipulation this investigation evidence is cited in 2007 and 2009 well guess who was head of the CFTC back then when the silver investigation first started Gary Gensler a former upper management at Goldman Sachs former campaign finance manager for the Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign and he is now current head of the securities and exchange commission the revolving door of corruption of white shoe lawyers and investment banksters here in the corridor from Washington DC up to New York City and wall street so this trader alleges that he was learning how to manipulate gold and silver markets from all of his bosses saying how easy it was and that since he saw them doing it he figured it was okay so this lower level guy is the one who gets in trouble meanwhile the senior banksters will probably not get in trouble at all it's only the low level traders who are getting a slap on the wrist a year and a day in prison for very serious RICO charges which in the past RICO meant mandatory sentencing guidelines under us federal government sentencing it was very very serious in the past for criminal investigations it meant in the past for RICO 10 years 20 years in prison not a year and a day at a white-collar prison with already time served or conjugal visits or deutsche bank despite handing over 350,000 documents as evidence and 75 audio recordings only paying a 60 million dollar fine and then they get to keep on manipulating gold and silver markets making billions of dollars per month in profits manipulating the paper prices trying to cap them however over the long term this is going to end because the price of silver will have to be allowed at higher prices and you've already started to see this over the last like five to seven years a lot of primary silver miners have had to buy gold mines have had to move more of their revenue mix annual revenue mix into gold and I'll probably put out an article in the next couple days for patrons there's two more producing silver miners that in the past would have never bought a gold mine a producing gold miner gold project and recently they've had to buy gold mines so this is an admission with their capital allocation their investment dollars that there is not a lot of economic silver projects left at current silver prices and the projects that could be economic are often not in geopolitically safe jurisdictions for silver with the few exceptions of mag silver which their silver mine went into production in the last 18 months and then also the Silver Crest silver mine and Alexco up in Canada but there are very very few economic silver deposits left at current silver prices a lot of them are in very geopolitically unsafe locations and a lot of the potential new silver mines were silver mines that were discovered in the last silver bull market in 2011 and a lot of them would not be economic without silver at least at 35 to 40 dollars an ounce in the next few years maybe five years or less you're gonna have to see higher silver prices solely on the supply side otherwise there's gonna be supply problems for silver and grades for producing silver miners are obviously down a lot I've been covering gold and silver and gold and silver miners for over a decade now and the average grades for silver mines are down enormously so if you want to read more about this I have articles behind the paywall already over 170 articles and a lot of them are about gold and silver mining and precious metal royalty and streaming companies but I'll also probably put out another article talking about this in the next couple days for patrons so there is a lot of content behind the paywall for only five dollars a month the cost of a Starbucks cup of coffee I think it is one of the best deals out there if you don't like it you can always cancel I charge less than anyone else in the space for premium content so I'm offering an enormous value for the price and you're helping keep this free content free because I don't make any money making these YouTube videos my patrons pay my bills so all the really in-depth content research financial education and analysis is going to be behind the paywall so there will still be free videos but the premium content the content that is way more in-depth will have to be put behind the paywall for patrons so if I could wrap up this short little video more and more games from COMEX and LBMA but they can only slow down the momentum here the more people that accumulate metal the gold and silver charts are going to make higher lows you're already starting to see metal prices rally after the smashes you've seen paper price smashes in gold and silver for the last couple weeks the rally has already started gold is already well back above 1800 an ounce silver which was heavily smashed is back above 25 although you are starting to see premiums now fall substantially for 10 ounce silver bars so that is a sign that a decent amount of people are starting to give up in the silver short squeeze but overall governments and central banks are going to keep on keeping on with the policy of stagflate tax lie you're going to see the balance sheets of the European Central Bank the Federal Reserve and others continue to expand it is inevitable based on the policies that these governments and central banks have chosen
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