
Democrat gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe has vowed to 'make life hell' for unvaccinated people in Las Vegas if he wins election.

"We have 93 million Americans today that are not vaccinated. We need to do everything that we possibly can … And I tell my private businesses all the time, I hope you mandate vaccines for people coming in," he said in a keynote speech to the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Global Health Conference & Exhibition.

"Until we make it hard for people get on planes or go to movie theaters, people just aren't going to do it … We're not going door to door, but you make life difficult. If you're going to come to the HIMSS conference, you got to be vaccinated." reports: McAuliffe, who is running for his second non-consecutive term as governor, shared a stage with former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R).

In a statement to The Virginia Star, McAuliffe's Republican opponent Glenn Youngkin rebuked the former governor's threat.

"Terry McAuliffe's threat to 'make life difficult' for Virginians is chilling but there's more at stake than just the right to make your own health care decisions," said Youngkin spokesperson Christian Martinez. "McAuliffe is touting endorsements from extreme groups that want to make life difficult for police officers, accepting millions from special interest groups that will make harder to do business in Virginia, and pushing an extreme agenda that will make it more difficult for families to stay safe, more difficult to afford groceries, more difficult to find a good-paying job, and more difficult for kids to get a good education."

McAuliffe, billed as a "moderate," recently accepted the endorsements of far-left groups New Virginia Majority, and National Abortion and Reproduction Rights Action League Virginia (NARAL), both of which have called for defunding the police.

His comments on vaccination follow a broader trend among left-wing politicians, many of whom are seeking to coerce Americans into taking the vaccination in order to live normally.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, for example, implemented a vaccination passport program requiring residents to show proof of vaccination for indoor dining, and other indoor activities in the city.

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