Gerald Celente - I See the Future and It Is Hell on Earth!

SBTV spoke with Gerald Celente, founder of the Trends Research Institute, about freedom getting crushed and what Gerald calls 'Slavelandia' is an increasing reality. The future he sees is HELL on earth!

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Discussed in this interview:
00:00 Introduction
02:09 Markets gone insane with no bearing on reality
04:08 Slavelandia to steamroll freedom
08:28 Not social media but the politicians
10:44 Is truth a liability today?
12:17 Ingenuity lost with universal basic income?
14:01 Hyperinflation on the cards?
17:38 Back from the dead?
22:34 Nixon shock anniversary

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See Full Interview Transcript Below

Patrick Vierra: I'm your host Patrick Vierra a little bit of housekeeping aside if you are new to this channel or if you haven't already done so please do subscribe hit the bell to be notified and updates and give us a thumbs up if you like what we do we truly do appreciate your support Gerald Celente the pioneer trend strategist is back the developer of the Globalnomic Methodology to identify track forecast and manage trends is a political atheist unencumbered by political dogma rigid ideology or conventional wisdom Gerald's model is think for yourself and observes and analyzes current events forming future trends for what they are and not for how he wants them to be let's all saddle up and silver up for Gerald Celente, Gerald welcome back to SBTV how are you doing

Gerald Celente: How am I doing? You know physically I'm doing fine my heart is broken when I see what's going on and how they've robbed us of our freedom and it's dead out here dead nine o'clock at night dead no life going on everybody's freaked out, ah, still it's even worse the delta variants gonna get you, the Delta variants gonna get you, no, it's a freak show and you have to get vaccinated or you can't go anywhere

Patrick Vierra: Yeah I hear you I was looking through all of your 158 pages in this week's trends journal a lot of good stuff in there appreciate the work you put in there and you know jobless claims they're still on the rise yet the stock market continues to do sort of like a sergeant shields from that old Hogan's heroes TV show I see nothing I see nothing and sort of oblivious to everything that's going on all the negative news and the Fed continues up, up and away or the stock market up, up and away in the fed's beautiful balloon has the market truly disconnected from reality

Gerald Celente: Of course it is I mean it's all the cheap money they're pumping into the into the equity markets and into the economies it's unprecedented you got negative interest rates in Japan, negative interest rates in Europe, near zero interest rates in the United States, buying up 120 billion dollars worth of bonds every month and corporate bonds junk bonds this isn't capitalism. You're buying up junk bonds where the hell are you buying up junk bonds you're not supposed to be buying bonds and what they're doing is all this cheap money is making the rich richer because they're getting for nothing and all the merger and acquisition activities the BlackRocks the BlackStone all the mergers and acquisitions going on and on there the m a activities that near an all-time high at an all-time high because they're getting the money for nothing so the Bigs are getting bigger they're buying up everybody else and all we become are plantation workers on the global plantation of Slavelandia you don't have a chance to start your own business anymore you have a very rare chance and you do something you have they did away with all the anti-trust laws that prohibited this from happening Robinson patent act stressed out clayton into trust and of course the Glass-Steagall act for the bankster system so it's criminal what's going on it's criminal

Patrick Vierra: you mentioned the name BlackRock and I want to touch on this as it came out in your trench journal the housing prices have gone up rentals without questions have gone up and you know Gerald we are seeing big names investment firms like BlackRock insurance companies even all buying up a portion of the housing market as rentals at the fed you know the fed helped these guys by pumping up the markets keeping them afloat even allow them better interest rates than you and I could get and they turn around and buy up our livable spaces is this where we are headed where we are going to be renting a corporate home

Gerald Celente: Yes and that's what's going on I tell you they're in total control all we are plantation workers in the global plantation of Slavelandia everybody get this straight there's as there are four groups that are running the world number one and you don't have to believe me you could ask a guy by the name of Dwight D. Eisenhower Five-Star General, Supreme Commander in the allied forces during World War II two-term President January 17, 1961 his farewell address warning the American people that the military-industrial complex was robbing the nation of the genius of the scientists the sweat of the laborers and the future of the children how many more wars these murderous bastards and to be equal because you have to be equal these days and have to start before people get it in their head you like the Iraq war no maybe the afghan well I like the Vietnam war what about the Korean war and it's not only the united states how about what's going on over there in Ethiopia, Somalia one place after another anyway number one the military-industrial complex number two the banksters look who's the treasury secretary in the United States Janet Yellen oh if only a woman was in charge I'm departed here in his crap I could care less if it's a woman whatever black, green, yellow, gay, straight I could care less how about the best person but no, no, we got a woman oh, oh, Janet Yellen the former head of the bankster group the Federal Reserve and there's no federal at all the only federal is that they can control the whole damn monetary system she's the treasury secretary right from the bankster top look who you got over there in Europe Christine Lagarde where's she come from oh the IMF the International Mafia/Monetary Fund all right the banksters oh this story goes there's this person by the name of Jesus Christ and and he drives the money changers out in the temple makes a whip drives him out of the temple has the Last Supper and three days later the cat's on the cross are right to screw with the banksters you think they're any different today number three the drug dealers morons and imbeciles call them big pharma, they're drug lords, I'm going to take an Operation Warp Speed gene therapy injection that has not been approved by the FDA and I'm a conspiracy theorist for not taking it and you've got to get one you can't go anywhere, number four Silicon Valley the big tech the high tech not only silicon valley all over tech in control you can only say what we want you to say on our channels and we control them all we're the monopolies, monopolies have taken over the world. The equity markets have a not a damp thing to do with reality, how the hell could they have gone up in 2000 when much of the world was locked down and what am I six years old, it's a rig game, quantitative easing how about go screw you

Patrick Vierra: Yeah I here you, you know it's interesting that you touched on a big tech social media they have such a huge influence on people and let's be honest they are turning into a gatekeeper for information have we truly crossed that point already where social media they influence politicians and politicians they will get their bidding and their policies done through social media

Gerald Celente: Well the social media has their place with or without social media the politicians do what they want to do but they're controlling our lives censorship you can't say what you want to say you can't believe what you want to believe you will only believe what I tell you to believe and you will only do what I tell you to do this is the New World Order I'm a piece of crap governor, senator, president, prime minister, chancellor, big tech, I'll tell you what to do I'm telling you ask me how I'm feeling, that's how I'm feeling, I'm a visionary, I'll put my work against anybody in the world show me the books you've written trends 2000 trend tracking show me your magazine only been publishing it what oh since 1991 you just mentioned 100 and what 58 pages weekly, show me your track record and then we can begin to talk. I see the future and it's Hell on Earth! Hell on Earth! Look at these scumbags these Citigroups and MasterCards and they borrow money for 0.35% and charge you 27% interest!? what are you kidding me, what are you joking!?

Patrick Vierra: You know do you think social media they have they have eclipse they have even gotten stronger than the office of the president of the us or even in other countries

Gerald Celente: No not really because the when you're when you're the running the show when you're in the top you could close them down anytime you want like they did in China look what they're doing in China look at what they're doing to the social media in China how about Hong Kong

Patrick Vierra: Has truth become a liability

Gerald Celente: Yes, you will only do what I tell you to do you will only believe what I tell you to believe if you don't believe what I tell you to believe you're a conspiracy theorist or you're stupid think for yourself is not allowed anymore

Patrick Vierra: Completely agree with you there and you know recently we have the Fed keeping interest rates between zero to zero point two five percent and they're talking about you know people going back to work do you think what do you think the government is going to have to do to actually get people back to work or should I say force people back to work

Gerald Celente: They could give a damn they don't care they're politicians take a guy like Biden he's been sucking off the public his entire life he never worked a job in his life all right they don't work their whole lives so they don't care they even give themselves raises in many countries and many cities and many states they could care less and what they're going to do is they're going to go digital on all the coins, on all the transactions, so they know every penny you spent we've spent it how you spent it so they get them their share of it and that and that's what they're going to do they don't care they don't care they only care about themselves okay so

Patrick Vierra: With that let's say they let's say they don't care you think we're headed towards some type of UBI Universal Basic Income

Gerald Celente: Yeah definitely they're doing it already and so it shuts the people up it's the kind we look at one of our trends journal covers back in 2020 when all this is going on USSA United Soviet States of America

Patrick Vierra: I just want to touch on this a bit more so let's say we do go to Universal Basic Income what do you think this is going to look like being that I mean could it be one of the final nails in the us coffin being that one of the strengths of America has always been ingenuity with UBI there's no incentive for ingenuity

Gerald Celente: It's gone America's gone there's no fight in America I'm heartbroken look at the protests they had they're having and they had in France in in in Australia in the UK about the lockdowns you see any happening in America, other than the ones I have you know I had a fourth of July festival and a Memorial day festival you know very you know I'm doing as much as I can I'm fighting but I'm you know like there's a saying united we stand divided before and there's no United in the United States

Patrick Vierra: Yeah completely agree

Gerald Celente: There it's a Divided States of America, USSA United Soviet States of America you have no idea you everybody is divided here and if you don't get it people it's heartbreaking it's heartbreaking

Patrick Vierra: Yeah tell you what Gerald I'm watching all the way over here from Singapore and it is I mean I see it as well going on and I agree it is it's heartbreaking and you know when you look at these things like inflation and the fed thing it's transitory

Gerald Celente: They don't care they don't care they're going to do whatever they can to keep pumping money in and they're making it up again how long has transitory been going on and inflation is going to go down at some point because this thing is going to slow down terribly look at that look what they did in Europe with all the vaccine passports and all that what's tour what's going to happen to tourism you can't go to a restaurant in in France or in Italy if you're not vaccinated they just restricted more border controls in America you can't come in from a lot of other countries what does that do to tourism look what's going on the commercial real estate sector do you know what the office occupancy rate in the United States is? 32%

Patrick Vierra: It's pretty low

Gerald Celente: Yeah you know what is in New York city 20 all the businesses that depend on commuters what happens to them gone tourism oh the neon lights they shine on Broadway no more tourism Broadway that's who goes there gone, gone, gone, filth all over the streets homeless you go down you got to watch yourself you know

Patrick Vierra: Touch on inflation seeing the Fed eventually inflation will die off do you think we're going to hit perhaps hyperinflation before we get there

Gerald Celente: It's hard to tell you know it's hard to tell because if this thing slows down really bad and we go into the greatest depression now prices won't go up what's going to happen however is if the governments keep pumping in more cheap money it devalues the currency that's where your inflation comes it's going to cost more to buy less and you already have it you have workers wages in America have fallen behind inflation some 2% so it's costing more to buy less and now you have shrink-inflation where they're making the packages they're you're getting less instead of 12 ounces you're getting eight ounces of whatever you're buying but you're paying the same so your hyperinflation could definitely happen it's a wild card game right now anybody who thinks that they know it they're full of baloney because everything's changing I mean again you know, we go back two months ago in the trends journal Covid war 2.0 we said this before anybody which they're going to launch another round they're going to start selling this Delta variant so the drug dealers and now every now you got to get three shots and now it's going to be got to get a shot every year so they scared the hell out of people I'm telling the streets here are dead you couldn't get a parking space here this was this was the hottest place around upstate New York the hottest 90 miles north of New York city first capital New York state you know more pre-revolutionary war stone buildings here than anywhere else on the Hudson river beautiful, beautiful, Catskill mountain, empty, dead, dead, dead,

Patrick Vierra: Gerald what do you think it's gonna take for it to come back can it come back

Gerald Celente: The people because what stupid, stupid, damn, could listen to a piece of politician to tell them what to do how damn stupid can you be how gutless are you I've had it and I fight and I only fight with my mouth I fight and I'm an old guy and I'm a fighter no there's no fighters out there anymore, how the hell could people be so damn stupid to listen to these low-life pieces of crap shoving crap down their mouths and taking it! Oh I'm a democrat I'm a republican, grow the hell up! How about being an individual oh no, oh no, America the land of the cowards, cowards and when I say I'm a fighter I had my own school I choose I taught close combat for a lot of years I'm a kid a little kid grew up in the Bronx you know yeah you learn how to fight right away you didn't go home crying and that's what we have a little bunch of cry babies you know what kind of they throw out let's have a no bullying zone in the schools so that nobody will bother you no bullying zone oh Celente calm down swallow the crap they shoved down your mouth be like a Barack Obama how everybody loves how proper he is and what he does as the son of a destroys Libya I want that guy Kaddafi out of there as he destroys Syria I want that guy Assad out of there oh calm down Celente you should be like them we love those kind of people we march off to them and give our lives to them it does not take a majority to prevail but rather an irate tireless minority keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men said Samuel Adams, they were fighters, the American revolution when it began less than five percent of its people supported it at the height of it less than 50 percent all right, the followers don't count only the fighters count and as we say in the Bronx when you call these guys out in a fight they don't know whether they should a piss they fall like that, they fold like that, you go to the man to man I had enough of your crap man why don't you know what you know screw you don't you give me your yeah well no don't talk to me like that I don't oh you see what he said to me that's who they are they're boreless little boys and gutless little girls if the people don't stand up and fight we are gonna live Hell on Earth it's right in front of us I got some telling me I gotta take a vaccination how about me getting in good health how about building my immune system oh the first book I worked on 1986 a Warner book natural healing I have an honorary doctorate from the National University Health Sciences for the work I've done in complementary integrative medicine and I got some telling me what to do so some person that you know bought off by the drug dealers who's dying from this thing oh people with 2.6 pre-existing comorbidities oh what are they oh in the united states only 70% of the people are overweight and 40% obese and what's the average age of the people dying oh worldwide about 75 years old, over 70.

Patrick Vierra: Yeah I hear you I hear you hum look you

Gerald Celente: You go to Australia you go to you don't have a person under you know a person I think in Australia have 918 people dead in a year and a half year and seven months and I think about 20 are under the age of 60 out of 25 million people 25 million people young people aren't dying of this thing and now they're forcing young people to get vaccinated the drug dealers are in charge morons and imbeciles call them big pharma they're drug lords

Patrick Vierra: You spoke of one president so I just want to touch on another president it's getting close to the date where Nixon president Nixon did close the gold window temporarily and where dollars were not or dollars were not redeemable for gold anymore Gerald if you could say anything to Nixon looking back at all this time what is the one thing you would tell Nixon

Gerald Celente: Let me tell you how stupid I was as a young guy I voted for Nixon in 1968. that's how dumb I was he could care less they're politicians they saw inflation coming they were trying to do everything they could to change it it's all it was about and again they're sellouts and by the way the guy who was the treasury secretary at the time his name was John Connolly, John Connelly was the governor of Texas that sat in front of Kennedy and took the bullet in the back and I have a photograph over there of me him and his wife meet Connolly and his wife in front of the book depository the first time back since the assassination 1992 and that's when I met him he wanted to meet me and he told the story what happened that day the assassination now remember he goes from the democratic governor to the treasury secretary under Nixon a republican George Carlen the great comedian used to say it's one big club and you ain't in it. You know what would I say to Nixon you know how did the gold standard, how about the Vietnam war you know, how about how about that one you like Nixon for that one he gets elected on the line and he's going to end it and keeps it going gets elected in 1968 didn't end until Gerald Ford came in and I'm prime draft age at that age so I i know that you know every day I wake up are they going to get me they're going to get me so you know the when you look at the gold standard it's it it's a criminal operation in charge cycle oh going back to Eisenhower Google it up this quote anyone any man seeking the Office of President is either an egomaniac or crazy

Patrick Vierra: Yeah Eisenhower did his favorable address he did warn us about that

Gerald Celente: If we don't unite again united we stand divided we fall and this is the divided States of America and if the people around the world don't unite under one umbrella for freedom peace and justice we're finished, we're finished, we're done, we're done, that we have that we have these little boys and girls telling us what to do and how to do it when to do it where to do it what are you kidding me I'm an American I was born to be free

Patrick Vierra: Amen

Gerald Celente: No and A-women you got to be both now

Patrick Vierra: [Laughs] All right General Celente before we wrap up can you let our viewers know where they can find your tweets and your trends journal

Gerald Celente: Gerald Celente for the tweets and YouTube and the trends journal you see the magazine there's no magazine in the world comes close to it nothing and I'm not saying it because it's my magazine show me one that comes close to it that has that kind of information in there tell you and you know you read what you want you don't have to read the whole thing it's a magazine you don't read the whole magazine you mean but there's something there for everybody and it's the only magazine that tells you what's going on, what it means, what's next and how to prepare for the future and the motto is Think for Yourself again we write the stories with all the facts then we give our analysis we don't say you have to do this, you can't believe that, nope this is the way we see it this is where we see it going and then you decide what you want to do

Patrick Vierra: Yeah I'll tell you what it's one of the things I look forward to during the week is the new trends journal coming out Gerald Celente appreciate the time that you and your team put in it and I hope we can do this again soon

Gerald Celente: I do too and thank you for what you're doing and everybody listening please do we you all can do to stand up for freedom peace and justice you know I have a definition of Hell, Hell is taking that last breath and knowing you weren't the person you said you were or could have been

Patrick Vierra: Strong words, strong words Gerald I can't close any better than that so we'll let those be the last words that was Gerald Celente sharing his views on the economy and the trends to look for more info on his trends journal please visit if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel audio versions of this interview can be found on iTunes and Spotify

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