
In his final few hours as New York governor on Monday, sexual assault predator Andrew Cuomo granted clemency to a violent murderer with links to billionaire George Soros.

Shortly before being hauled out of office, Cuomo quietly commuted the sentence of jailed dangerous killer David Gilbert.

Gilbert is the father of Chesa Boudin – the far-left San Francisco district attorney who is heavily funded by Soros.

Boudin, who is facing recall efforts over his deeply unpopular and unAmerican policies, had lobbied for his father's release.

"On the eve of my first child's birth, my father, David Gilbert, has been granted clemency," Boudin boasted in a statement to The Associated Press.

"Although he never used a gun or intended for anyone to get hurt, my father's crime caused unspeakable harm and devastated the lives of many separate families," Boudin said.

"I will continue to keep those families in my heart." reports: Steve Zeidman represents Gilbert and says that he is one of the oldest and longest serving inmates in the state. He claims Gilbert has expressed deep remorse for his crime and has done a lot of good work while incarcerated such as creating an AIDS education program. Zeidman claims that Cuomo's actions give hope to other incarcerated inmates who fear they will never get out.

Kathy Boudin, Gilbert's wife, also spent several decades in prison for her role in the robbery. Both Gilbert and Boudin were in a transfer truck waiting for the getaway car that was carrying the money and the robbers. They both played the same role, but Boudin hired an attorney to defend her while Gilbert chose to defend himself.

Gilbert's son, Chesa Boudin, was elected district attorney of San Francisco in 2019 and feels that his father's sentence was different than his mom's sentence because he defended himself.

"My father was not present in the courtroom for much of the trial and nobody advocated for him, which is why it is a bad idea to represent yourself. My mother and father did the exact same thing and had identical culpability in the crime. My mother served 22 years in prison and was paroled 17 years ago, while my father is still in prison. It's an example of criminal justice imbalance." – Chesa Boudin

Still Gilbert played a role in a robbery that resulted in the death of two police officers and a security guard. While his sentence might seem extreme to some, to the families who lost their loved ones his sentence might seem justified

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