Hello for yet another Friday post, and this post here comes after I've done a few art-related activities that I had quite a bit of fun doing and believe will have a bit of fun talking about. As such, let's just get a move on to the main focus of the post.

A sketchbook page with three different drawings of women done in pen.

The first thing of note is that I'm continuing to make sure that I draw from imagination regularly to balance with my practice at capturing realistic forms and proportions primarily through timed figure drawings and the like, and when I focus on working from imagination, I'm focusing more on doodling and doing small drawings fairly quickly and with no expectations of creating refined, final work at the moment. With this lessened pressure, I'm finding myself more comfortable in just drawing and messing around just to see what I can do and create. Sometimes, this messing around can create pleasing results, and other times, not so much. However, I don't find myself getting too hung up on results I don't care for since, after all, these were just quick doodles, ad I can take a little something from each one, such as a technique, base concept, or even just a bit of practice.

A pen drawing done in scribbles depicting a figure with long hair and cavernous holes for eyes and mouth.
A messier and cruder effort from this week to show that not everything turns out to one's liking.

Another fun activity that I did and that is perhaps the work that I like the most out of what I've done over the past few days was to recreate the artwork of a movie poster. In this case, I went with one of the posters for the 1980 Italian horror movie City of the Living Dead. (I couldn't find information through a quick search about the artist behind this poster, which kind of annoys me, but oh well.) I just love this poster art, so when I had an evening free and didn't know what to draw, I decided to just recreate the artwork in my sketchbook.

A pen and acrylic paint recreation of the poster for the 1980 Italian horror film City of the Living Dead depicting a zombie's head picking out of the leaf-covered ground in front of a gravestone.

This wasn't an in-depth recreation and was more of a piece that I finished up over the course of an hour or so with just a black fine point pen and some cheap acrylic paint. I see this as being somewhat akin to when people try recreating a famous artwork through different means and mediums and maybe putting a different spin or style on to it, and it's also related to my occasional practice of doing drawings based on or influenced by imagery or shots in films that I've seen. In both cases, I'm recreating imagery or pieces that I like in such a way that I'm also more carefully looking at said images and gaining a deeper appreciation for all of the detail that went into creating them. I had a great deal of fun doing this recreation and really like how it turned out, so I definitely think that I will try out more recreations of poster art that I like in the future perhaps when I'm stumped as to what I should make.

Well, I believe that that's all for today's post. I'm quite excited since I'm kind of nearing the end of my current sketchbook with only ten or so sheets left, which I doubt will take me terribly long to go through, and I'm feeling especially motivated to fill in those remaining pages to have another sketchbook that I can say that I've completed. As such, until next Tuesday when I can go into detail about my journey to improve my art skills and to fill these last couple pages up, thanks for reading, stay safe, and have a pleasant weekend.

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