Hello everyone! Today we begin our continuing look at some wildflowers which will be every Friday morning from now on. The picture above is an old one from several years ago. Today's wildflower is the "spotted joe-pye-weed", also known as the "purple boneset". This is one of our native wildflowers, in the aster family, that likes wet soil conditions, such as peat bogs, and along shores of lakes and rivers. It prefers sunny locations and will grow from 2 to 10 feet in height, blooming from July to September. The flat flower clusters are made up of dozens to hundreds of pink or purple flower heads that don't have petals. They can be found across most of Canada and much of the U.S., missing a few states such as Oregon, Nevada, California and Texas across to Florida. These flowers are enjoyed by butterflies and bees. Have a wonderful day and God bless! Steve and Muffin. ©2021 Steve McLeod.