The TKPOTD for five years ago today looked forward to Brett Kimberlin's coming LOLsuit case load during September, 2016.

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The Dread Pro-Se Kimberlin has a interesting month ahead.

On 13 September, he has two hearings before Judge Mason in the Circuit Court for Montgomery County. The docket shows a pretrial hearing in the Walker v. Kimberlin, et al. lawsuit scheduled for 9:00 am. The docket also shows a motions hearing in the Kimberlin v. Hunton & Williams LLP, et al. RICO 2 Retread LOLsuit scheduled for 9:30. I believe that all the remaining defendants will have ripe motions to dismiss, and all of them are similarly situated as the defendants who have already been dismissed. That case could be over after the hearing.  I suspect that TDPK will have a very bad day on the 13th.

Two weeks later on the 27th, there's a motions hearing scheduled in the Circuit Court for Carroll County in the Hoge v. Kimberlin, et al. lawsuit. There's a pending motion to dismiss from Very Ordinary Seaman Ferguson and a pile of frivolous motions from the Dreadful Pro-Se Schmalfeldt and the Kimberlins. There are also pending requests for orders of default against the Kimberlins, the Cabin Boy™, Almighty Media, and Breitbart Unmasked; a motion to compel compliance with a subpoena by GoDaddy; and a motion for alternate service against Matt Osborne. I look forward to seeing how many of the defendants show up.

Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen.

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The 13th of September this year is the day the United States' reply brief is due in the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in The Dread Deadbeat Pro-Se Kimberlin's attempt to get some of his Speedway Bomber convictions set aside. I suspect he'll busy for the last half next month.