User ID posted: " A Weather WARNING For The World! by Neil McCoy-Ward A Weather WARNING For The World! (My New Weekly 'REAL' News Report) See Full Video Transcript Below All right welcome I think we're live I can see a"
A Weather WARNING For The World! (My New Weekly 'REAL' News Report)
See Full Video Transcript Below
All right welcome I think we're live I can see all the live chats here how's everyone doing today hope you're well I am in Playa del Carmen at the moment in Mexico which has been really nice I just left Costa Rica as you know a week and a half couple of weeks ago so here in Playa del Carmen now I'm actually for the first time bumped into seven people I think it is in the street who were just in the street and came up and said hi so yeah that was interesting I know you guys are watching so we are launching something new today this is a new type of video which I'd love your feedback on please make sure to drop a comment below because I need your assistance feedback and we will make this better each week as it goes along so what actually happened if you remember a week or two ago I did the video and it says be prepared you know on the on the thumbnail and it was about all the news that isn't being covered you know it was it was quite funny that juxtaposition of BBC news with all the stuff and you know everything they were showing and then all the real news that I was showing so what I'm going to be doing every week is creating a video for you with what I consider to be real world news that you need to know that is being kept from you being kept hidden or kept secret from you so this is what the video is going to be about and today we're going to focus on weather a little bit and some other issues that are that are going on so let's get into it then let's go on to the shared screen a second here okay let's start then let's start with Italy over the last week Italy by the way just to give you context here is only a small country so this is Italy here it's not a huge country like the USA or France or Spain or you know Russia or anything like that Italy this week has had this crazy hailstorm like you would just not believe I mean we're talking huge hail stones that killed loads of livestock just smashed through car windscreens look at this just absolutely smashing obliterating cars all up and down the freeway this week Francisco look at these camper vans destroyed and then at the same time in Italy we had these huge wildfires so this is in the same country remember it's not a big country you've got these runaway wildfires so you've seen extreme weather from both perspectives both extremes here what else have we got well in Italy again we have landslides and extreme flooding you've got to start asking questions here what exactly is going on at the moment with the weather how can you have wildfires due to extreme heat flooding where it's destroying towns and villages and you're having these hailstones all at the same time by the way if you are a meteor meteorologist or you are an expert in weather I would love to know the physics of how a hailstone you know twice the size of a golf ball can stay up in the air so please please let me know that I'd really be interested to hear let's move over to China then and let's see what's been going on in China so here we have mass flooding you probably heard about this this tunnel in China that happened as well the flooding of the tunnel and they're still pumping it all out what actually happened was there was a huge dam there was a huge dam that burst in China you've gotta check it I actually haven't got the video on here I thought I had it on here but you've got to watch this this damn just explodes and the flood water was so crazy I've never seen anything like that before where else have we got now we talked a couple of weeks ago about Germany Luxembourg Belgium and all the flooding that was going on there but look at this still 5 800 people still cut off the devastation now speaking to a friend of mine in in Germany and he was saying how bad it is there with all the you know everything that's come out of this USA wildfires more wildfires yet again we're having this extreme weather now this isn't you know a sort of unique thing the USA has wildfires all the time but this is just to put this into context with everything else that we're seeing right now I mean look at the speed of this spread so I hope none of you live nearby where all of these fires are going so California, Oregon and pretty standard I mean look at this devastation can you believe this
-PBS News Clip-
Firefighters in parts of the western US were hoping for help from cooler weather today but there's still no end in sight to a plague of wildfires including one in northern California that keeps growing Stephanie Sy has our report. In Indian falls California charred homes cars and keepsakes are all that's left after the Dixie fire tore through the enclave north of Sacramento
-PBS News Clip Ends-
So flooding we've got there what about Turkey this is something I guarantee most of you have not heard about Turkey as well disaster area this was not anywhere I looked on every news channel I couldn't see anything about this there's a huge disaster in Turkey at the moment with again more flooding let me see if I've got a video for you okay this is not some small thing here when you've got houses going into the into the river and look at this and we're told there's nothing going on with the weather okay let's move on then Islamabad, India, Pakistan more and more flooding so we're suffering right now extreme droughts in some areas and then major flooding in other areas and then we're told there's a water shortage I don't know if you ever remember a while back there was a who's on the UK TV this this man was interviewed and he was the CEO of a big water company and they said you know what what's going on there's all this flooding why are you saying there's no water available for people's you know homes and he said it's the wrong kind of water and that that story's always stuck with me I've never forgotten that because this is the absurdity the insanity of some of the things that we have to live through well heavy flooding is also affecting parts of India the death toll from days of monsoon rains and landslides has now topped 100. with many people missing and feared trapped rescue operations are underway in the badly affected western state of Maharashtra which includes the commercial hub of Mumbai the region is reportedly experiencing its heaviest July rain in four decades so I don't know if you're seeing the pattern that we're talking about here but again we're hearing the heaviest rainfall the worst flooding in four decades in the UK as well less in fact let's go to the to the UK let's jump to the to the UK for any of you have ever been in London taking the underground taken you know the other train lines have you heard about this this is London not sure what this guy's thinking he's gonna float straight away this is London and then this is just another one that's going on have a look at this watch keep your eye on the bridge it's a landslide that was going on watch the bridge one place a lot of questions come in ask him where I you know get my news and a lot of that a lot of it people posting my discord so I get a lot of it there but even though I'm not a fan of twitter I don't really like Twitter you do get some really good news on twitter there's a couple of things I'm going to show you in fact let me jump to them in a second actually I'll show you where I get some of the stuff this is interesting from the Guardian so they're now saying that the amazon rainforest is emitting more CO2 than it absorbs so we've reached this tipping point if you think of it like a tipping point we've reached this tipping point now in in CO2 emissions now whether or not you know I've not looked into that in detail and I don't know if there's any bias from the scientists here but if this is accurate and true it is very very concerning about this with the CO2 emissions now actually one thing let me just jump back to my screen a second one thing I do want to touch upon I speak to a lot of people a lot of experts as you know and I'm always asking about the climate change I want to know is this real you know climate change is it purely from taking carbon out of the ground so fossil fuels and then burning it and turning it into carbon dioxide I always want to know that and the interesting thing with it is most people would agree that yes if you take carbon out the ground and you burn it it's going to cause carbon dioxide that will add to greenhouse gases it will add to raising temperatures there isn't really many people that disagree with that but then you get the other side of the story and you know someone sent me this amazing report and if you have some good reports like this please put them in the comments below and it was about these ice cores in Greenland or Antarctica somewhere like that and actually showed these cycles throughout history at very high temperatures and it was showing that it's an ongoing cycle and yet if you try and look at this and again these why do these reports keep disappearing that's what I want to know why do whoever is you know why does the media keep removing these reports I think it's quite key that that we should be able to see all of this and have evidence for everything because that's something I want to look into I want to do my own research on that is it true that you keep having these cycles throughout history of heating and cooling and I was just talking I did an interview with mark moss yesterday I think it'll be out next week on his channel and one of the things in fact I'm not sure if this will be on the video but one thing we were talking about it might be offline was the sunspots so I was mentioning about NASA I was watching this amazing report on NASA and it was talking about the sun activity and you know everything going on with the sun activity and how we're going into this period of cooling now I don't really understand all of all of that in terms of space weather but it's very interesting to see that and how it would affect crop harvesting coming down in the in the future how it would affect weather and things like that well have a guess here's a surprise have a guess what happened as soon as I'd added it to my playlist and I went back to watch it later the video's gone why do these videos keep getting taken down that's what I want to know and yet the only thing coming out is just one thing and I'm not saying that it's not accurate I'm just saying whenever you have this manipulation of media it makes me really suspicious and that's when I stop believing stuff when everything is one-sided of course we see this with health at the moment and other things whenever it's one-sided straightaway it puts my guard up and I think it happens to a lot of other people as well so with all the you know the global warming yes we have evidence that shows that the world is warming up but is it purely from carbon being burned carbon dioxide or is it other things you know we talk about methane from cows and all the other things is there more to this that's the question I've got if you have some answers for that please post some documentaries reports anything like that in the comments below and I'd love to watch it I'm sure a lot of the subscribers would love to watch it as well so that's really the way to think about these weekly videos I want to create something here so that it is a community so you help me to improve it if you want certain topics covered I'll cover those every week and I think that's the best way we're gonna grow this okay let's go back now that we talked about all these extreme events let's do a juxtaposition here and see what the BBC is saying so we had flooding and death and you know tunnels flooding and dams exploding and you know bridges all this let's see what the BBC's running with today shall we bumpy autumn and winter expected okay so Covid related story NHS Covid App pings okay so this is BBC world news okay what else have we got so this is Covid this is Covid this is Covid we've got all loads of Covid stories we've got a you know Olympic story here bread and circus if you understand the reference and then we've got this actor collapsing on set now I don't know maybe this is also a Covid related story I'm not gonna even click it I don't wanna you know it's not something I'm interested in more bread and circus we've got here must see okay this must be really important what is the must-see it's a young football player okay sports again doctors doctor sisters vaccine tourism okay do you see what we're up against here I'm not sure if you can see the reference I'm trying to make but can you see what we're up against here I'm looking for real news I want to know what's going on I won't know how to protect myself I don't want to hear all this you know medical stuff 24 hours a day I get it I've already heard it I think everyone's made their mind up at this point now you know I don't think people are still on the fence about this people have made their mind up one way or the other now and just talking on media let's move over to this article which I thought was interesting and this is about media censorship now I thought because I got into a not debate but you know sometimes you get some idiots on the channel and making comments and things like that saying oh no Neil the US is has the most free press in the world and all this sort of stuff and I said nonsense so I did a bit of research and you won't even see the us ranked anywhere on the top here and this is an independent sort of so it's reporters without borders the most free press is Norway's the Scandinavian countries Norway and Sweden and Denmark and you know Sweden who didn't buy into everything that you know last year if you if you know what I'm referencing there Sweden didn't buy into everything and yeah we'll say no more on that but Denmark, Costa Rica where I was a couple of weeks ago quite surprised to see that at Netherlands, Jamaica now let's try and find let's try and find the USA on this list where is it for free speech I mean here's Australia at 25. let's keep going the UK united kingdom and France 33 and 34 they're behind south Africa so everything that was going on in south Africa and a lot of the censorship on the violence there and yet the UK and France are behind them Burkina Faso okay even this country here is is better than the USA, Botswana here we go 44th place is the USA in terms of censorship I mean it doesn't really get much much worse than that in all in all honesty so I don't think it is a free press as a lot of people keep telling me oh we have the most free press in the world I don't think so you've got sort of two dynamics strong left and strong right now on to freedom parades again as well and protest these do exist people keep saying there's no you know it's doctored footage people are doing CGI I don't know what these people are smoking, no, no, this is not CGI this is a video of a protest or something like that so this is Italy you can see how big this one is it goes right back I mean this is a huge huge protest this is going on everywhere people say it's not but it is these protests are going on everywhere so you have Italy you have all different countries I won't show any of the sort of extreme stuff today but you've got this you've got this all over the place what about Paris well again it was a conspiracy theory apparently and there was no protest in Paris really really tough in France with the new Covid pass that's come out you know huge restrictions on civil liberties and freedom to actually go into restaurants and cafes and all sorts of other places now just want to finish up on this that's just come out today and it shouldn't really come as any surprise to it to all of you that watch my channel but again what did I say it is a false recovery and we're seeing now the GDP it was a huge miss it was 6.5% in Q2 far below 8.5% and you know this as well you've got to bear in mind this is with all the stimulus and all the other stuff that's been created and we're still having this this issue we're still everything's still dropping I just don't think everything is going to recover the way everyone's talking about how everyone you know believes it's all going to recover it's just not once you stop all these this currency that's going into the economy into the supply the GDP is going to drop because you can't you know one thing that people don't realize as well and the economists don't talk about all the stimulus that was given to people remember that was created out of thin air it was treasuries and Federal Reserve buying treasuries and giving the you know giving the currency to people putting it into people's accounts or into their hands GDP oh isn't that a coincidence that when the stimulus was created GDP went up a lot I wonder if they counted that as GDP even though it wasn't and then when people go and spend that into the economy what then happens you're now adding to the GDP so it's no surprise to me I think the only way they're going to keep this GDP you know going up and up and up like they want is to just keep creating more QE doing more of these programs I think it's child care they're doing at the moment they've just got to keep the spending going to keep it going but that is a liquidity trap you can only do it so long before the inflation runs out of control which we are seeing at the moment any sort of questions coming in then any questions on the news anything you want to see just let me know yeah a lot a few people have been saying they're not seeing any of these protests and things like that it's all kept out the media you're probably not seeing anything to do with food shortages and the droughts that have wiped out crops all over all over the world in the in the last year as well and one thing I'd love to know is if a lot of the weather related stuff is to is manipulation you know and again this is a fact we know the technology exists to manipulate the weather I just wonder if there is any manipulation going on maybe this is an experiment that's backfired you know look at ecology you can't you can't do things with the ecology you know you can't stop doing one thing here and not expect it to have an opposite adverse effect somewhere else and that's really my belief on on human existence it's a bit like when you try and do a new goal let's say that you want to you know say you work over work you do 60 hours a week and then you want to spend more time with family but you're self-employed well then yeah your family time goes up but then your income goes down by the way I'd say spend more time with family but you know you look at all these other things when you start doing health and fitness goals one thing goes up another thing might go down and I wonder if this is what we're seeing with the with the weather at the moment okay let's see if we've got anything coming in where's the blue jacket today yeah it is so hot in here I've even got the ac blasting it is it is pretty hot in Mexico guys so no jacket today but I am going back to the UK I think I mentioned I'm going back to the UK next week so then you'll see me I'll be streaming every week from the UK again anything else anyone wants to say let's see if there's anything else in the chat otherwise we'll wrap up and then we will do an another video next week another live stream you just gotta let me know what you want me to cover good all right good thanks so much for being on the stream please remember to like and subscribe really appreciate it and until then I'll see you probably this weekend with another video take care. God Bless
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