I was the first of several people to hold Bill Schmalfeldt accountable for his cyberthuggery and harassment undertaken on behalf of Team Kimberlin. The Cabin Boy
and his enablers tried multiple times to spin Schmalfeldt as a victim rather than perpetrator. This I'm Not Making This Up, You Know post from eight years ago dealt with one of their lamest attempts. The email was sent a week before the hearing that resulted in the original peace order granted against Schmalfeldt being extended.
* * * * *
I have just received the following email—
Matt Osborne
To: hogewash@wjjhoge.com
Legal Notice
Dear Mr. Hoge:
As Section 3-803 of the Maryland Criminal Law Code allows for a person to make such a request on behalf of another, I am officially and legally asking you to cease and desist all harassment of William M. "Bill" Schmalfeldt of Elkridge, Maryland. This includes referring to Mr. Schmalfeldt by such derogatory and defamatory "nicknames" as "Cabin Boy" or "Oedipal Bill" or anything other than his actual name. This includes the filing of any additional frivolous charges against him. Mr. Schmalfeldt can not preclude you from writing about him, but he considers derogatory nicknames, especially when they are spread by your followers all over the Internet, to be a textbook definition of harassment. Also, as all your previous criminal charges against Mr. Schmalfeldt have been dismissed by the Carroll County, Maryland, State's Attorney, but you continue to file charges with the expectation that the outcome will somehow be different, Mr. Schmalfeldt considers the continued filing of these charges as harassment and demands that you cease at once.
Failure to abide by this request will be seen as a violation of the above named section, and you can expect Mr. Schmalfeldt to take appropriate steps.
Matt Osborne
I will have no comment on this until after I have consulted with counsel.
UPDATE—After consulting with counsel, I choose to hold my response until 9 December.
* * * * *
Of course, even if Osborne's claims were true, none of the acts complained of in that email were possible triggers for a Maryland peace order.
BTW, 57F Matt Osborne's (a)osborneink Twitter account is still suspended.
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