Posted BY: Wyatt T | NwoReport
Source: Free West Media
It sounds like a belated April Fool's joke: On May 24, 2022, the online portal Agrarheute reported that the British startup ZELP ( Zero Emissions Livestock Project ) had developed masks for cows. In this case, however, not to protect them from Corona, but to filter methane.
ZELP is currently testing various prototypes of the cattle masks, according to Agrarheute. These are already able to filter around 30 percent of the methane emitted by ruminants. In the future, this value should be increased to around 60 percent.
The highlight: ZELP was awarded the climate protection prize "Climate Design Award" for the "revolutionary" idea, which was created by WEF figurehead Prince Charles and designer Sir Jony Ive. The cattle mask was one of four winners and received a cash prize of the equivalent of 58 000 euros. Prince Charles supports face masks for cows to fight climate change.
The British monarch is one of the architects of the Great Reset, the name of the 50th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF), held in June 2020. It brought together high-profile business and political leaders, convened by Prince Charles. At the launch event for the Great Reset, he listed key areas for action, similar to those listed in his Sustainable Markets Initiative. These included draconian measures for net zero emissions globally as well as the introduction of carbon pricing.
To prove that this report was not a joke, the portal linked a video in its article that showed the enthusiastic heir to the throne presenting the project.
The 100-gram rubber masks with solar-powered fans are designed to direct the animals' exhalations into a small chamber and then use chemical processes to convert methane into carbon dioxide, Agrarheute explained. But first farmers have to be convinced to actually use the masks.
One obstacle could be the rather high price: The use costs 45 dollars per cow and year, the equivalent of 41 euros. In addition, the masks would not bring any advantage for the farmer from an economic point of view.
In the comments below the article, readers legitimately wondered whether this message was some kind of joke. Agrarheute immediately confirmed that this was unfortunately not the case.
The claims about methane have been debunked
One reader commented: "Madness or stupidity? Every thinking person understands what nonsense the story about cow's methane is. A cow is not a perpetual motion machine and it does not create energy out of thin air. The cow lives in the earth's natural carbon cycle and is not 'climate-damaging' (if such a thing exists). Even the climate heroes at Climate Facts know that, although some people don't like it. They are just producing a lot of garbage, trying to get more money out of the farmers' pockets, end of the story."
The three main greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, all impact the environment differently. Methane is known as a "flow gas", removed from the atmosphere at a rapid pace. Methane's lifespan in the atmosphere is approximately 10 years, but flow gases will stay stagnant as they are destroyed at the same rate of emission.
Thus the initial method for calculating greenhouse emissions misrepresents the impact of short-lived flow gases, like methane, on future warming.
The hypocrisy of the global elite
The global elite pushing the Great Reset this week emitted thousands of units of carbon dioxide with an estimated lifespan in the atmosphere of 1000 years, meaning carbon dioxide emitted from the year 2022 will still be in the atmosphere in 3022. Meeting via Zoom for example, would have been a much better choice, given their "concerns" about climate change.
Traveling in private jets to the Davos Summit in Switzerland to foist their climate agenda on the rest of the world to "limit global temperature rise and stave off disaster" as stated on its website, "10 private one-way flights departed various European cities on Wednesday evening and landed in St. Gallen-Altenrhein Airport, the closest airstrip to Davos, emitting approximately 43 440 pounds of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere".
For the WEF annual meeting in 2019 in Davos, according to an analysis from Air Charter Service, The Guardian reported at the time that around 1 500 private jets flew to and from airports near the Swiss town.
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