Korede & Esther Komaiya
I Am Delivered From Every Bondage
And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years, even the selfsame day it came to pass, that all the hosts of the Lord went out from the land of Egypt. It is a night to be much observed unto the Lord for bringing them out from the land of Egypt: this is that night of the Lord to be observed of all the children of Israel in their generations. Exo. 12:41-42
You may think you lack a lot of good things that make life easy and comfortable; but I am so sure there is something you have which in my opinion is far greater than any other thing you may think you lack — it is the mercy of God. What in your opinion do you think is the reason why you and your loved ones are alive to see today, the first day of a new month? My answer to that question is this – the mercy of God. Our LORD, Jesus said no man can add even a millisecond to his life. If God, in His mercies, has not kept us, there is practically nothing you and I could have done to keep ourselves, because it is of His Mercies we are not consumed (Lam 3:22). We must therefore be wholeheartedly grateful to God for preserving our lives to see today.
The LORD has sent His unfailing Word to guide our course in the new month and that is our anchor text for today. The LORD is set to end every affliction and terminate everything that signifies bondage in the lives of His people. Just as in one night the Almighty ended the 430 years of slavery of the children of Israel, the LORD by His Spirit is set to break every chain that has held down the destiny of His people in the month of May. Everything that does not glorify God in your life will be shattered, bondages shall be destroyed and yokes shall be broken by the anointing of His presence. Whatever has been a barrier on your path will be cleared off with no trace left behind in Jesus Mighty Name.
You must therefore cooperate with God to make His Word good in your life. Any faith that makes God absolutely responsible for the outcome of your life is an irresponsible faith. You have your part to play and you must play it diligently. You must receive the ministry of the prophet sent to you and believe absolutely in the Word God sent to you. It is your faith that shows your obedience.
The month of May, will be your best month ever. No promise of God's Word will fail in your life; your life and everything that concerns you will experience supernatural advancement in Jesus Mighty Name. I welcome you to the month of May, I Am Delivered From Every Bondage.
Father in the Name of Jesus, I am thankful for making me to see the new month, I enter into the new month by the shed Blood of Jesus and I decree and declare that by the power of God available through His Word, I Am this day Delivered From Every Bondage in Jesus Mighty Name.
In May, You are delivered from every bondage.
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