The Tycho supernova remnant is what's left of an exploded star first seen on Earth in 1572. New results using data from the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer offer new insight about how such terrific stellar explosions accelerate particles to nearly the speed of light and, for the first time, reveal the geometry of the magnetic fields which form a boundary around the ejected material. This composite image was assembled using data from IXPE (dark purple and white) and Chandra X-ray Observatory (red and blue) overlaid with visible light data from the Digitized Sky Survey.
Image Credits: X-ray IXPE: NASA / ASI / MSFC / INAF / R. Ferrazzoli, et al.
X-ray Chandra: NASA / CXC / RIKEN & GSFC /T . Sato et al.
Optical: DSS
Image processing: NASA / CXC / SAO / K. Arcand, L. Frattare & N. Wolk
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