Guinea-Bissau and Brazil signed a series of bilateral agreements in the areas of health, education and professional training, agribusiness, justice, diplomacy and training for defense and security forces, the Guinean executive announced yesterday.

The agreements in question, which "reinforce the historical ties and diplomatic relations" between the two Portuguese-speaking countries, were signed by the minister of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Communities of the African country, Suzi Barbosa, and by the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC), according to a statement from the Government of Guinea-Bissau.

Suzi Barbosa used social media to praise the protocols signed in Brasilia, the Brazilian capital, calling them "another step" in achieving the mission of "affirming the potential of Guinea-Bissau".

"The protocols now signed will allow us to carry out various structural projects for the development of our country. The work will always speak better than any words and demonstrates that all achievements are taken with the Guineans at the center of each decision and with the sole objective of bringing quality of life for our people," stated the government official on Facebook.

Among the main lines of the cooperation agreement in the area of ​​health is the donation of eight hemodialysis machines to Guinea-Bissau, the reinforcement of projects to combat HIV and support in the specialisation of Guinean doctors.

In the agro-industry, the restructuring of the Cashew Processing Center and the training of agents from Guinea-Bissau in the processing industry of local products are planned.

Also read: Brazil and Angola reaffirm cooperation

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