Attack your goals every day .Work hard now so that you don't have to do it later on in life .

If you have a goal work towards it but do not burn yourself out . Learn to create balance so that you can build longevity .

"Motovation gets you started Discipline keeps you going "

Yes strategy is important but hard work is apart of the process in the early stages

Time is precious and Putting in the work is like planting a seed .

(Without hard work nothing grows but Weeds Gordon B Hinkley )

Yes There are days when you feel as if you are working in vain but keep going .

Putting in the work is like planting seeds .

I know this to be true because I inbox businesses every single day to form relationships and open the door for sales .

I know it takes time so therfore I am patient throughout the process .

Regardless of the fact I haven't made sales inboxing people on instagram yet however I still plant the seeds .

You have to keep persevering ,Being parient, making adjustments .

The minute you give up and stop planting the seed you start to losing momentum .

A lack of discpline kills more dreams than failure ever will .

If you want to be successful you must get into the habit of doing .

The get rich quick mindset is hindering your growth .

The get rich quick mindset will cause you to do scrupulous things you wouldn't other wise do if you was in a different state of mind .

I watch people get on socialmedia and instantly think they can sell their products .

Very few people are making a concerted effort to inbox people and get a decent conversation started .

I have been inboxing people for about a year or so and have become accustomed to rejection .

Yes I am getting reaponses from people .

When you first start doing somethimg for some reason you think everything is supposed to fall into place right there and then .

If you want to be successful and have things materialize you should change your thinking a bit .

I had to readjust my thinking too .

I had to re condition my mind and focus more on the process .

Some people can handle rejection others lose their cool when some one tells them no .

How many times have you heard the success stories of people that failed countless times until they got it right ?

Just because you get a no doesn't mean that you should throw in the towel .

Learn to stop taking rejection so that you can have more fun networking .


All it takes is for 1 person to say yes to get the ball rolling and build your confidence So you keep on inboxing people with value .

You are going to get that yes but get used to hearning no for a while ,it is going to make you more appreciative and much stronger .

Once you learn and appreciate patience you will go much further than a talented person without patience .

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