Source: Patty McMurray

What is it with leftists who fake crimes against them to make their opponents look bad?

Fake hate crimes against minorities or gays (think Jusse Smollet) have been all the rage for the past decade, but one prominent pediatrician has taken an old trick and added a new twist.

According to NBC News –  Tennessee's former top vaccination official, Dr. Michelle Fiscus, told state investigators in July that she received a dog muzzle in the mail, which she deemed to be a threat to keep her quiet.

The muzzle, however, was bought on an Amazon account and with an American Express card in her name, according to a state investigation that concluded Monday.

"There is no evidence to indicate the dog muzzle was intended to threaten Dr. Fiscus," said the report, written by Special Agent Mario Vigil of the state Department of Safety and Homeland Security.

Fiscus, a pediatrician, was the state's medical director of the Vaccine-Preventable Disease and Immunization Program. She was fired July 12 in a political firestorm, less than two weeks after, she said, she was mailed the muzzle.

She has said her firing was a political decision to placate lawmakers who disapproved of the Health Department's outreach to vaccinate teenagers against Covid-19.

Fiscus could not be immediately reached for comment Tuesday. She told NBC affiliate WSMV of Nashville that she acknowledges that the muzzle was paid for using an American Express that belongs to her but that she "vehemently denies" buying the muzzle and sending it to herself.

You've gotta hand it to the Chinese..just when we all thought America couldn't be any more divided, along comes the CCP virus to divide anti-maskers from makers and anti-vaxxers from vax Nazis.

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