Things Are Escalating Between Germany & Russia & Nuclear War Threat Issued
All right we are back welcome back to the channel today ladies and gentlemen. Remember just last week I was saying sometimes there's just nothing going on in the news and I have to sit there and really think about what I can talk about with you and sort of teach what sort of lessons from a lot of my history books and how we can correlate it to today so that we can predict what might come in the future well that isn't one of these weeks in fact there's so much going on this week I'm going to tell you about five different things just in this one video. Today we're going to look at Indonesia and palm oil and how this relates to the world explosions in Russia, Germany and the conflict with Russia, El Salvador and how what's going on there we can learn a lesson from this and then lastly nuclear which is an interesting one a warning out of Russia so we've got a lot to cover I'm going to jump straight into it.
Is Our Food Supply Under ATTACK?! (Advanced Warning)
In today's video we're going to look at a question which seems even bizarre to even pose and that is the global food supply chain especially in the United States of America currently under attack.
These 5x Chinese Crises Are About to Converge On The World
Okay welcome back ladies and gentlemen we are going to be returning to China today looking at all the events going on with China in terms of their economy and lockdowns, housing markets, stock market. The main point I want to make is that number one companies are panicking and I'll show you an article in a moment but it's not just companies people the general public are not panicking yet, but they are going to start to panic and this is why I've been saying to you to get ahead of the curve, make sure you've got your food stocked up, make sure you've got whatever products that you normally use on a day by day basis.
USA & UK Will Enter RECESSION On This Date
All right welcome back ladies and gentlemen I hope you are having a blessed week and your families and communities are well today we're going to talk about the coming recession and I know, I know, I've been talking about this for a while now, but I'm gonna actually show you some data concrete evidence today so if you are in the USA or the UK and you're watching this, this is especially relevant for you right now!
The Border CRISIS Is About To Reach Breaking Point!
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